SNPX President On The Fight Against Alzheimer’s – TD Ameritrade Interview

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ISSUER-PAID ADVERTISEMENT. Synaptogenix, Inc. (“SNPX” or the “Company”) has paid or will pay Sherwood $30,000 USD per month for three months (the “Initial Term”) in cash, shares of restricted common stock with a value of $150,000, and warrants valued at issuance of $75,000 for marketing services including communicating to the public about the company through Sherwood’s affiliate Raging Bull, among others. This advertisement is part of those issuer-paid marketing services. The contract with SNPX automatically renews for successive one-month periods following the Initial Term (the “Renewal Term”) unless it is terminated by written notice of either party prior to the end of the previous term. During the Renewal Term, SNPX has agreed to pay Sherwood a monthly fee of $30,000 in cash, shares of restricted stock with a value of $50,000 and warrants valued at $25,000. As a result of this advertisement and other marketing efforts, Sherwood and/or Raging Bull may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. As of the date of this advertisement, Sherwood and Raging Bull, and any of their respective officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated thereunder) hold the securities of SNPX and, as permitted by law, may sell those shares during the course of this marketing arrangement or afterwards. This advertisement and other marketing efforts may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of SNPX, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of the SNPX’s securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the marketing arrangement has ended.