Research Nerds this is for you 🤓

by | Apr 6, 2023 | Boardroom Investing, Latest News

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Hey guys, Jeff here.  I trust you all absolutely nailed your March Madness brackets as did I (glad that’s almost over!).  Seriously, before last week how many of us could tell the difference between Florida Atlantic and Florida International? Not me but maybe this kid?

kid with red hair

yes that’s a picture from my t.v.

But back to business…

I hope you’ve had a chance to take a look at the “Moody’s of Private Investing” (AKA KingsCrowd) we’ve been highlighting to you in the Boardroom.  It’s a powerful one-of-a-kind tool that creates massive value for private market investors.  KingsCrowd is the ONE place that aggregates private investment market data, as well as the capability for investors to research these markets to find suitable investments. 

As I was sad my bracket blew up 🧨, I decided to spend time with the tool instead and I want to highlight how users can quickly filter the universe of data to find a short list to research. 

So I’ll walk you through the process – RESEARCH NERDS TAKE NOTE 🤓…

When you sign up for KingsCrowd you get access to the universe of filterable data.  For example, I started my search at the company level (you can also look for funds if that’s your style) and limited results to those rated a 4 or a 5 by KingsCrowd.

funding opportunities
This gave me a good starting point of quality companies, so from there I continued refining the list.  Next I only kept companies in the Energy and Real Estate industries with a valuation of $50M or higher.



Finally I wanted to bring a governance aspect into my search, so I eliminated companies based in California, Illinois and New York since those jurisdictions continue to be downright hostile to business (yes you can do this!).  

This left me with a list of 8 companies, so in less than two minutes of work I have a small targeted list that I can start my due diligence on.

In this particular search, our old friend Boxabl (**previous client of the Boardroom) made up half the list since they listed on multiple crowdfunding platforms so my research time will effectively be reduced by 50%.  

Clicking on the first company on the list takes me to its specific page on KingsCrowd, and from there I can look at the financials, funding history, company profile and investment memorandum.  Research that would normally take hours of tracking down data has been reduced to mere minutes.  

(This must’ve been what it was like for high school boys in the 1990s when they discovered the library of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue images online.)

kings crowd

​​I encourage you to jump into the tool and start using it yourself and take your research up a notch!

And to recap, we recently hosted Chris himself in the Boardroom for an overview of the platform he and his team are building.  Here is the interview if you missed it but below are my main takeaways:

👉 KingsCrowd has been around for 8 years and has garnered the backing of more than 4,000 investors so far.  CEO Chris Lutrino has built an impressive platform and raised more than $7M to date.

👉 The company is also running a proprietary fund open to accredited investors which consists of 100 of the company’s highest rated startups.  This is the first quant fund focused on startups that is widely available to the investing public.

👉 In addition to using the tool for research, investors can now own a piece of the company.  Currently KingsCrowd is a Reg A offering shares for $1.00 each with a minimum investment of $1,000.  Check out the offering here

investing history

So in a nutshell…

KingsCrowd is THE PLACE to get in-depth information on startup private companies, think of it like Dun & Bradstreet for these private investment markets.  All without the maddening onboarding tutorials from 23 year old sales reps!

And not only would KingsCrowd LOVE to have you as a customer, they would also really LOVE to have you as an INVESTOR.  This is honestly one of the most UNIQUE opportunities I’ve ever seen come across my desk.  And at this early stage, I think it is a great time to consider an opportunity like this.

So if you want to know more about investing in KingsCrowd, I encourage you to check all the details out HERE while this Round is still open.

We’re extremely excited about this partnership so be on the lookout for a return appearance from Chris here in the Boardroom.

To your success as well as all the fellow research nerds 🤓 out there,

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DISCLAIMER: To more fully understand, LLC’s issuer-paid advertisement disclaimer and disclosure policy located at

*ISSUER-PAID ADVERTISEMENT: This Issuer has paid, LLC (“Raging Bull”) fifteen thousand four hundred fifty dollars to run advertisements enhancing public awareness of the company. 

**Previous Client.  Boxabl was a previous client in August/September 2022 and paid, LLC (“Raging Bull”) seven thousand nine hundred eighty dollars in cash to run advertisements enhancing public awareness of the company.  

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